Project name: Innovative Use of Natural Building Materials

Project duration: 7 August 2011 - 18 August 2011
Project financer: Lifelong Learning Programme Grundtvig
Project coordinator: Säästvad Ehituslahendused Ltd.

NPO Equilibre

During the project we organised a 10-days workshop for 20 persons, where both in theory and practice the following topics were covered:

- planning a home using ecological design principles
- permaculture
- ecovillages
- finding construction materials from nature
- reuse of old building materials
- simple, fast and inexpensive construction manners
- theory and practical techniques of straw-bale building
- the principles of compost toilet, practical building work
- the principles of efficient heaters, practical building work
- using natural finishing materials

As the result of the project the participants got to know how to plan and design a house which would have healthy indoor climate and be environmentally friendly, how to design and arrange the outer environment in a sustainable manner. Among others the project was strongly directed to people who need training for a new profession due to losing their previous job. The participants had the possibility realise that building with natural materials is suitable and achievable for everyone and the experience of working together leaves a strong impact of empowering group energy. The whole event - building process and closeness to nature combined with yoga lessons and spiritual rituals created an atmosphere where a human soul can feel free for expression.